
Statement of managing director

Shukr leads to abundance in Allah's favors: If you appreciate Allah's favors, He has promised increased Rahma or mercy for you. Allah's reward for your gratitude is unlimited and unconditional. "If you are grateful, I will surely give you more and more" (Ibrahim 14:7).

During this past decade, we’ve experienced extraordinary growth and change here at AGME, thanks largely to our continued commitment to teamwork and associates, technology-focused product and manpower expertize supplies, strategies and to our policy of placing the trust of our customers above all else.

Our Company received appreciation and recognition, for its achievements in different fields during the years, from different organizations, agencies etc.

I would now like to dwell upon the strategy for growth by continuously focus on Core business of the upstream E&P (exploration and production) industry and Pipeline Engineering scenario in mind. Continue to deploy the philosophy of More Technology in all operational activities to reduce cost and improve efficiency for our clients.

The upcoming years will be exciting as we continue to broaden our business efforts and move from promise to product. We have set increasingly ambitious goals for ourselves, but we have the intense vision and resources to achieve them.

In the new world of egalitarian openness and collaboration, by acting consistently with these guidelines, our Personnel dedicated each to do their part to assure that our company earn its reputation, which conduct our business with the utmost integrity.


Abbas Mirzaei

Managing Director